We have plenty of options for y'all to get to and from the festival with ease! Preview your options below and decide what works best for your weekend!
There is no public parking available at The Red Mile during Railbird Festival weekend.
Pick-up and drop-off for Uber and Lyft is located across from 1141 Red Mile Rd #101, Lexington, KY 40504 and next to Bus Stop 810. Follow the instructions of traffic attendants.
Red Mile is conveniently located a short walk from downtown Lexington! You can visit parkwhiz.com and spothero.com to preview all of the downtown parking options.
Bike parking will be available next to the Box Office at The Round Barn. Please note, storing and locking will be at the owner's risk, so make sure to bring what you need to ensure it's locked up!
Parking passes will be available to Platinum Ticket holders only. Click here for more information.